Molecular Animatics: An Amazing New Discovery from Early Clues Laboratories

“Radical Animism” has never been this much “fun”

Back when I worked at well-known Internet Start-up Early Clues, LLC (now Early Clues Labs), we developed more than a few pioneering technologies in the fields of tech, magic, occultism, and quality customer service. We recently discussed one of the Early Clues rituals on #WUFO, and I was able to retrieve it from the company archives.

Here's the spec/White Paper. Give it a try, but, as we used to like to tell our clients at Early Clues, “Don't Say We Didn't Warn You!”

Sure, you’re likely already familiar with the concept of Radical Animism. After all, as one of our Valued Clients™, you’re undoubtedly already experiencing the benefits of a newly upgraded Tree of Life 2.0 Module and running OpenQNL and CheirOS like a champ (Ed. See “The Early Clues Employee Handbook” for an overview of these exciting technologies). This is why we know you’ll be excited to learn of an amazing new discovery made by the expert Magicians on staff at Early Clues, LLC: Welcome to the World of Molecular Animatics.

What we’ve discovered is nothing short of revolutionary. Researchers in our labs, while attempting variations on traditional “Planetary Squares and Sigils,” found that the same principles could be applied to the standard, Legacy Reality “Periodic Table of the Elements.” You know the one:

Periodic Table

Image Description: The Periodic Table of the Elements (not a “Dinner” table)

What the “human” developers of the Periodic Table didn’t realize is that they’d unwittingly created a Living Artefact, a “Synconjuriffic” tool that can be used to uncover the Sigil, Name and Number of any molecule found within Legacy Reality. As it turns out, every molecule that exists is governed by a Living Spirit, an actual sentience whose name is comprised of the component atomic symbols and numbers found on the Table. Somehow, the scientists who named the elements did so using exactly the precise phonetic sounds that make up the names of these spirits. And folks, that means a sweet deal for our customers!

We were able to iron out a deal with these Molecular Spirits, and they have agreed to allow our clients unlimited access to the Molecular World via the Science of Synconjury. We have a contract!

Allow us to explain. Suppose we want to know the name/sigil/number for the Spirit of Water. We simply look up the Molecular Formula, which is H2O, as we all know, and trace the sigil on the Periodic Table, adding a line for each instance of a particular atom:

Periodic Table 2

Image Description: The periodic table, with Hydrogen and Oxygen circled in red and connected by a red line. The circle surrounding Hydrogen has two lines at the top, like horns.


This gives us the sigil of the Spirit of Water. Its name is simply a pronunciation of the totality of atomic symbols. Its number is the addition of the atomic numbers (the ones on top).

Water Sigil

Image Description: Two red circles connected by a red line. The left-most circle is “horned.” Text: “Sigil for the Spirit of Water, Hho.”

The number of “Hho” is 10 (1+1+8).

Here’s another example. This is for the Spirit of Sodium Carbonate (Na2CO3):

Sodium Carbonate

Image Description: The periodic table, with Sodium, Carbon, and Oxygen circled in red and connected by a red line. The circle surrounding Nitrogen has two lines at the top, like horns. The circle around Oxygen has 3 lines at the top.

Sodium Carbonate Sigil

Image Description: Three red circles connected by a red line. The left-most circle is “horned,” the right-most has three lines emerging from the top. Text: “Sigil for the Spirit of Sodium Carbonate, Nanacooo.”

The number of Nanacooo is 44.

How about a harder one? Let’s figure out the Spirit of Zinc Pyrophosphate:

Periodic Table 3

Image Description: The periodic table, with Zinc, Phosphorus, and Oxygen circled in red and connected by a red line. The circles surrounding Zinc and Phosphorus have two lines at the top, like horns. The circle around Oxygen has 7 lines around it like the sun.

Sigil for Zinc Phosphate

Image Description: Three red circles connected by a red line. The left-most and center circles are “horned,” the right-most has seven lines emerging from its circumfrence. Text: “Sigil for the Spirit of Zinc Pyrophosphate, Zn’Zn’Ppoooooooo.”

The number for Zn’Zn’Ppoooooooo is 146.

But, you may be asking if you’re a chemist-type person, what about compound molecules, those complex, advanced chemicals requiring parentheses in their formulas? Trickier, but with a little creativity, we can discern the sigil without too much trouble. For example, let’s look at the Spirit of Aluminum Acetate — Al2O(C2H3O2)4 :

Periodic Table 4

Image Description: Periodic Table with an intricate series of blue and red lines connecting Hydrogen, Oxygen, Carbon, and Aluminum.

See how it’s done? The Synconjurer is encouraged to use a variety of palates and design components when “sigilizing.”

Sigil for Aluminum Acetate

Image Description: Three blue circles in a blue oval connected by a blue lines. The left-most circle has 'horns' and another line extends from the bottom. The center and right-hand circles are “horned.” The right-most is enclosed in a red circle, from which extends a red line ending in another horned red circle. Text: “Sigil for the Spirit of Aluminum Acetate, Al’alo Chhhoo Chhhoo Chhhoo Chhhoo.”

And the number of Al’alo Chhhoo Chhhoo Chhhoo Chhhoo is, of course, 158.

So, how does one use this amazing new technology? Simple! In fact, how does one not use it? Next time you’re idling away the afternoon, why not summon forth the Spirit of Ethanol, Cchhhhhho, and get drunk together without needing to buy wine! Or, trace the sigil of Cccccccchhhhhhhhhhnnnnoo, whose number is 102, on the back of your neck and you can skip that morning cup of coffee! See how easy it is? Advanced users are probably already drooling at the implications for Gematria and Applied Ultraphysics, and as our Researchers learn to work with more advanced communities of Molecular Spirits, they’ll be sure to release patches and upgrades.

Everything has a Spirit, from the largest Brane to the Smallest Molecule, and now you can summon those Molecular Spirits via any Legacy Ontomanipulatory System (CrowleySoft, etc.) or via Early Clues’ Open Source Suite of Reality Manipulation Modules.

Molecular Animatics: Another fine product from Early Clues, LLC.

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