Hello, World of Weirdos!

This is very exciting! I've been looking for a return to long-form blogging, but was waiting for the perfect platform, and thanks to the #Fediverse, we MADE OUR OWN!

Granted, there's a bit of a learning curve here. Relearning #markdown for formatting is going to be tricky, and I'll be bookmarking this guide and maybe printing it out. I'm sure after some time it'll be easier. Practice practice practice!

Since this is my first post, I thought I'd share some of the topics I'll be writing about:

  1. Paranormal theorizing and Liminal Ecology.
  2. Plants. Plant magic, foraging, plant consciousness, cooking with plants.
  3. Folk magic. DIY experimental rituals and ancestral investigation. Sicily/Magna Gracia, Orphism and Orphic-adjacent practices.
  4. Tarot! I've been wanting to do a deep-dive into the Tarot of the Greek Magical Papyri, card by card, and this will be the place!
  5. And, of course, random bullshit about whatever, which, really, isn't this what we all like to share on social media anyhow?

I hope you'll share your thoughts. Although weirdwords.org doesn't feature native comments, it's easy to respond to blog posts by subscribing to us on Mastodon and posting replies there. You can also find me at https://weirdo.network/@mysteryharvest.

So yeah, thanks for following and reading my lil' words. Hope you'll consider joining us if you're a kind weirdo! More SOOOON!

Find me on Mastodon!